Payment Point
Welcome to the course payment portal. Please make sure to return here to complete your payment.
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A1 Elementary (On-Site) - ₦70,000.00
A1 Elementary (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
A1 Elementary (Private) - ₦180,000.00
A1 Elementary (Online) - ₦90,000.00
A2 Elementary (On-Site) - ₦70,000.00
A2 Elementary (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
A2 Elementary (Private) - ₦180,000.00
A2 Elementary (Online) - ₦90,000.00
B1 Independent (On-Site) - ₦70,000.00
B1 Independent (Online) - ₦90,000.00
B1 Independent (Private) - ₦180,000.00
B1 Independent (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
B2 Independent (On-Site) - ₦70,000.00
B2 Independent (Online) - ₦90,000.00
B2 Independent (Private) - ₦180,000.00
B2 Independent (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
C1 Autonomous (On-Site) - ₦70,000.00
C1 Autonomous (Online) - ₦90,000.00
C1 Autonomous (Private) - ₦180,000.00
C1 Autonomous (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
Family Reunion (Online Private) - ₦200,000.00
Family Reunion (Private) - ₦180,000.00
Family Reunion (On-Site) - ₦85,000.00
Family Reunion (Online) - ₦90,000.00
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